A few words
About Me
When you are Successful, I am Successful
Your virtual CFO
Keep It Simple Strategies is owned and operated by Terri Simpson.
My business specializes in Advertising, Operational Accounting, Bookkeeping and Consulting Services.
I have over 25 years of Business Management in a Corporate Setting. I was a “Hands-On” Executive in both the Aerospace and Automotive Industry. “Hand-On” means I have done it all at one time or another. I did not expect my staff to do anything I was not prepared to do myself.
My Business Management experience includes but is not limited to all facets of: Human Resources, Accounting, Finance Reporting, Materials Management and Facility Management.
I have a diverse background and I love what I do. A few years ago I decided that I wanted to work for myself and assist multiple companies in ways that they normally could not afford.
So here I am… Living the Dream.. I have a few part-time assistants that help with specific tasks and I hope to add a full-time bookkeeper and advertising guru by the end of 2020.
My Husband and I have 10 biological grandchildren, many more honorary grandchildren and we must not forget our GRAND KITTEN. By the way the images on this page are different views from my home office.
I would love to talk to you about your business needs and how we can assist you. Do not forget that work-life balance is NECESSARY thing for you too!