Services Offered

What can KIS-Strategies do for you?
We offer a variety of Services for your Business.
We can be your one-stop shop. Full-Charge Bookkeeping says that we take care of it all. Obviously you are vital to this process, but the we take care of all the day to day bookkeeping tasks for you, so you can focus on what you LOVE to do!
This is where we build it from scratch. We determine what the objective is and the most cost-effective way to get you there. If you have no books or haven’t touched your books since last tax season, this is where I come in. This only works for me if you want to establish processes going forward. Retroactive Bookkeeping in my opinion is the solution for a business owner that wants to be proactive in the future.
This service is normally Project Based and is primarily for a company that recognizes that all the transactions are in their accounting software, but question if they are categorized correctly. This is usually caused by lack of time or understanding, or as a result of turnover. No matter what the cause, we can help fix the problem and the root cause.
We look at and review the following: Areas for Improvement, Process Flows, Comparisons, Product Sales and Costs, Trend Analysis and More…
Customer Invoicing; Receiving Payments Electronically; E-Mailing Reminders for past due bills; Providing Proofs of Delivery/Completion, 1099 Management
Bill Entry; Receipt Entry; Expense Entry; Bill Payments
Track and Manage Inventory Quantities and Balances, Re-Order Points, Implement Process Controls, Inventory Turnover Calculations, Determine and Calculate Inventory Obsolescence
Do you provide a service? Do you provide a product?
Either way there is a cost associated with each sale that you make. Do you think it is impossible to determine if a certain type of sale is profitable? It may be tedious, but it is not impossible, it is cost accounting… We can help with this too!
Track Time & Attendance, Run Payroll, Taxes Filings, Post Payroll Journals
Many banking institutions require an ongoing or rolling budget in order to qualify for new financing packages or Lines of Credit.
Setting up Projected Sales and Expenses that are realistic and obtainable require a certain skill.
- You must LOVE spreadsheets.
- You must LOVE numbers.
- You must LOVE data.
Holding you accountable requires another. By evaluating your actual versus budget and providing you with the right analysis and feedback, I have BOTH!
Where did the cash go? You just said that I was profitable, why is there an issue? There are many questions that lead back to cash flow. How long does it take to get paid for your services? How fast do your suppliers expect to be paid? What is the interest on your Bank Loans and Lines of Credit? How did you pay for that last piece of equipment? What is the return on investment?
All of this factors into a cash flow conversation and not necessarily an income statement. Rolling Cash Flow Projections will give us a picture of what the next 60, 90, 120 days look like. Good business decisions are made from solid data. It is imperative to be proactive and not reactive where cash flow is concerned.
Want to know where your business will be in a year, or maybe five years? Let me look into my crystal ball… ie: your historical data
Based on history and current market trends we can a provide a forecast that will show you a snapshot of your future based on different scenario’s.
Are you wondering if you should buy a piece of equipment? Add to your current Staff? Add a new product line? Financial Forecasting is your answer.
I have over 25 years of Business Management in a Corporate Setting. Most recently, I have been a “Hands-On” Executive in both the Aerospace and Automotive Industry. “Hands-On” means you do what has to be done. It could mean sitting behind a desk, dealing with insurance and/or bank representatives or it could mean working the line, reconciling inventory, acting as a materials clerk, an HR rep or a customer service agent. No matter what industry you are in Process Control and Streamlining are imperative. My Business Management experience includes but is not limited to all facets of: Human Resources, Accounting, Finance, IT, Materials and Facility Management.
We offer back-office administrative support. Do you have general office tasks that you do not have time to do? We offer a cost effective way to deal with the situation with minimal effort on your part.
We are dedicated to validating our clients’ brand. Our goal is to target the ideal customers for your business, as well as communicate with your current customer base.
- Business / Project Analysis
- Key Performance Indicators
- Human Resource Support
- Document Review and Controls
Call Us today @ 567-210-1412 or E-mail
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When you are successful, we are successful. We will work with you on developing strategies, planning for your future and resolving your day-to-day struggles. Let us tackle your most pressing issues.